Client list filtering and display

The client list is accessed by tapping the human icon in the top navigation. By default the list is unfiltered and contacts are displayed in the First Name - Last Name format. You can change the filtering and display as follows:

  • Tap the Display row at the top of list to display the options
  • Select the preferred Format and Filter options
  • Tap Clients to go back to the list

Pro and Studio users will also see a ticket icon next to the client name which indicates the status of the purchased product:

  • A gray ticket icon means that the client still has >30% of their credits or time left on their product. E.g. a punch pass of 10 units of which only 6 were used.
  • A red ticket icon means that the client has <30% of remaining credits or time on their product. For you as the business owner, this can be used to actively target these clients to urge them to renew.


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